Amy JL Baker (2005)-The Long-Term Effects of Parental Alienation on Adult Children 40 case study (1) PAS IMP
PA Behaviors and Strategies Employed in Parental Alienation Dr.Amy Baker IMP
Research PA Cult of parenthood Dr.Amy Baker 2005 IMP
Parental Alienation Amy Baker 4 four Factor model 2018
PA overview management intervention Dr.Richard Warshak change in custody IMP
Parental Alienation Case Law Dr.Richard Warshak
Parental Alienation Ten Fallacies Dr.Richard Warshak PAS IMP
PAS payoffs and pittfalls listening to children Dr. Warshak IMP
Research Overing Access to young children Dr. Richard Warshak IMP
Research Overnight Access to young children Dr. Richard Warshak IMP
Research Report Dr. Richard Warshak 110 experts consensus Social Science and Parenting Plans for Young Children shared parenting IMP
Parental Alienation Can Judiciary Do More – Dr. Ludwig.F. Lowenstein
Parental Alienation Doctrine of Friendly Parent Dr. Ludwig.F. Lowenstein
Parental Alienation How to over turn programming of child- Dr. Ludwig F. Lowenstein
Parental Alienation PAS and Attachment Theory IMP Dr.Ludwig
Parental Alienation PAS Psychological testing and Interview Parental Alienation – Dr. Ludwig Lowenstein
Parental Alienation Stockholm syndrome – Dr. Ludwig Lowenstein
Parental Alienation What is ideal Judgement – Dr. Ludwig .F Lowenstein
Should Parental Alienation be considered crime – Dr. Ludwig F. Lowenstein
Signs Of Parental Alienation how to counter its effect- Dr. Ludwig.F
Treating the Effects of Parental Alienation CL&J Dr.Ludwig Lowenstein
PA Pathogenic Parenting Concern Scale Dr.Craig Childress IMP
PAS Assessment Child Psychological Control Child Wish Dr.C.A.Childress IMP
PAS Assessment Personality Disorders Pathogenic Parenting and Need for change in custody IMP Dr.C.A.Childress
PAS Assessment Protocol Test for DSM5 V Dr.C.A.Childress IMP
Research PA effects adulthood of children Harman Leder Elder & Biringen 2019 IMP
Research PA leads to depression in adulthood 2019 IMP
Research PA Life Expectancy Reduced by 20 years in Adults due to Traumatic Childhood Scientific American Study IMP
Research PA Parental Alienation is Family Violence Prof Edward Kruk Harman 2018 Change in Custody
Research Report on Survey 150000 Children Joint Custody Shared Parenting 2015 IMP BMJ Health Journal IMP
Research Shared Parenting Views of 12 Experts 2018
Shared Parenting Research 2018 Linda Nielsen JDR 60 studies
Shared Parenting Research Expert_Evidence Both Parents Best Parents IMP
Should Courts Order PAS Children to Visit_Reside with the Alienated Parent_ 99 Case Studies Dr.Richard Gardner
The Kids Are Not All Right_ Using the Best Interest Standard to Prevent Parental Alienation IMP kelly
Parental Alienation Unseen Wounds psychological maltreatment to child
Parental Alienation_ Not in the best interest of the children by Douglas Darnall
Parental_Alienation Where are we now IMP 2019 Francesca Wiley article
PAS and Role of Judiciary
PAS Assessment Protocol by psychologist
Reforming the System to Protect Children in High Conflict Custody
Research on Shared Parenting and Joint Custody _ Robert D
Research Overnight Access Infants Toddlers APA American Psychlogical Association 2016 William Fabricius
Research PA Chiladhood Abuse Cause of Early Death in Adults IMP
Reseaarch Joint Custody and Financial Responsibility maintenance child support
Research children in Joint Custody Shared Parenting show less Psychological symptoms IMP 2017
Research Indian dads play proactive role in raising their children Rise of the penguin dads 2017 flipkart IMP
PA Research Parental Alienation and Suicide in Men IMP
PA Should Court Order PAS Child to reside with alienated parent 99 case studies Richard Gardner IMP
PA suicidal thoughts in children IMP
PA Untangling the Complexity of Parental Alienation 2019 IMP
Parental Alienation and Children Exhibiting Visitation Refusal Behaviour PAS IMP
Parental Alienation APSAC Guidelines on Psychological Maltreatment 2017 page 4 & 5 restricting interfering undermining childs relationship PA IMP
Parental Alienation as form of Emotional Abuse Family Science Review 2018 Edward Kruk
Parental Alienation Case Studies Court Orders of Contact Access
Parental Alienation citations in divorced judgements european court of human rights justice fines 10000 Euro
Parental Alienation How the Courts Might Help Dr. Gary J. Kneier Canada
Parental Alienation solution reversing by Shared Parenting Edward Kruk
Doctrine of Friendly Parent AFC Paper Foster Relationship with Non-custodial Parent case studies IMP
Effects of Father Involvement
Effects of Parental Alienation on Children Father What Father
Effects on Children and Improving Relationship overnight access Research Kelly and Lamb IMP
Interference with Parental Rights of Noncustodial Parent as Grounds for Modification of Child Custody by Edward B. Borris
Parental Alienation Child affected by parental relationship distress PAS DSM V JAACAP 2016 William Bernert IMP
CASE OF ELSHOLZ v. GERMANY parental alienation amounts to violation of article 8 right to family life
CASE of Hoffmann v Germany Right to Access is fundamental right Everyone has the right to respect for his family
CASE OF KUPPINGER v. GERMANY parental alienation violation of article 8 lack of effective remedy
CASE OF McMichael v. United Kingdom -1995 inability to see confidential report violation of article 8
CASE OF -NODI v. HUNGARY failure to take effective steps to enforce access violation of article 8 right to family life
HC Order family court directed to finalise parenting plan by order and it will over ride the interim access. Family Court to consider interim order in execution proceedings James Manjali
HC Order No Child Interview For Access . Div Bench BHC
Intl FC Order PA no contact with alienating parent for 90 days Joint Custody to both parents
Intl Order Parental Alienation Change in Custody Rogerson v Tessaro Court Appeal Ontario dkt C44199 2006
Intl Order Shift Change in custody due to parental alienation and interference in access court of Indian 2015
Intl Order Shift of custody parental alienation and inference Arkansas court of appeals 2014
RH (Parental Alienation) EWHC 2723 (Fam) (03 October 2019) Shift of Custody and no contact for 3 months embargo with alienating parent
SC Order access to be granted in such a manner child gets love affection of both parents Div Bench
SC Order child be put to boarding school Meera Mathew Div Bench 2018
SC Order Child Custody Sharing every alternate month and 50% vacations boarding school Div Bench 2018 Gadde
SC Order Child put in boarding school Somnath Das
SC Order child to be put in boarding school Rajiv Ratnam div bench 2018
SC Order child to be put in boarding school Rajiv Ratnam div bench 2018_1
SC Order HC to restore the relationship 50% vacation access to father Yogesh Mehta
SC Order Level Playing Field, shift of custody, Parental Alienation vivek singh romani singh Feb 2017
SC Order Overnight access every alternate weekend and 50% all Vacations to build and restore relationship Div Bench
SC of Florida Court Relocation Denied
COURT OF APPEALS OF TENNESSEE Relocation of child deined Schremp Vs. Schremp
COURT OF APPEALS OF TENNESSEE Mitchell vs. Mitchell Relocation with child was denied
COURT OF APPEALS OF TENNESSEE Relocation denied Monroe Vs. Monroe
SC Order shift of custody child be put to boarding school suo moto contempt Soumitra Nahar 2017